This time every year I dispose of my disposable income.
Would like to kick "Old Man Winter" down a flight of stairs.
A song told me to Deck the Halls...so I did. Mr.and Mrs. Hall are not very happy.
took 1st place in the Reindeer games.
is having a spirited game of "got your nose" with a snowman. I'm totally kicking his ass!
This time every year I dispose of my disposable income.
would like to kick "Old Man Winter" down a flight of stairs.
is dedicating this status update to all the statusless people out there. Stay strong. (thanks, Nate Combs!)
____ has a new philosophy to foster peace and harmony in the universe: GIVE ME WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT. (thanks, Nathan Smith!)
_____ thinks that about 50 years from now, tombstones will read: "Beloved wife, mother, sister, daughter...and Facebook friend" (thanks, Katie Grainger!)
____ wonders how we really know that hard work never killed anybody, when the only reliable witness may be dead? (thanks, Angela S!)
____ thinks that teaching your own mother how to use Facebook is like willingly signing your own death warrant. (thanks, Alexandra Bingham!)
____ "The best revenge is a life well-lived" is so true, but it doesn't provide the instant gratification I seek. (thanks, Joseph Perez)
____ thinks that my inability to use emoticons correctly is really getting me down :) (thanks, Jenni Wilson!)

____ knows that two wrongs don't make a right, but I'm determined to find out just how many wrongs will. (thanks, Jase Doe!)
____ sees your passive-aggressive sarcasm, and I'll raise you, one finger. (thanks, Mary McClure!)
____ would like to inform everyone that Helen Waite is now in charge of all rush orders. If you are in a hurry, just go to Helen Waite. (thanks, Kelly Kern!)
____ bets the road to hell looks just like a Walmart parking lot.(thanks, Kim Staggs!)
____ can't really remember, but I think my life must have been a lot more productive before I discovered Facebook... (thanks, Angela Coe!)
Resourse: My Status Is Baddest
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